Wednesday, December 28, 2011

HoHoDooda - Dec 28

And now there are three. My trail of elves is growing. Slowly, and not so surely, but it's growing! Many tweaks needed here. This exercise of having to post something every day is good though. Small steps are better than no steps, right?  Busy holiday days, but carving out at least a little time each day to draw something on the side is good. (Yes, this is holiday week around here! On it goes. Poor me!)

Be sure to see my pals, Laura and Linda's blogs. My elves want to see too!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

June said...

I'm still calling in regularly to see your lovely new images Marion. Keep up the good work... you are doing so well to commit to an image a day on the blog. What an amazing exercise with friends to ensure you draw every day :o)
The end of December and your drawing a day project is closing in. Then perhaps you can take a short drawing break!

Happy New Year to you!