Wednesday, January 11, 2012

IF-Grounded and a Belated Happy New Year!

I hope it's not too late to wish all my friends a Happy New Year! This piece is a finish of one of the sketches I did during the month of December. The challenge was to do a sketch a day. What made it really fun was that I did it with two fantastic illustrators, Laura Jacobsen, and Linda Silvestri. We called it HoHoDooda and you can see what I did by clicking on that word under labels to the left. You can do the same on Laura and Linda's blog to see all their Decembers drawings. It was great fun to see what amazing, beautiful work they came up with day after day. Much wonderful work was done! Now, the fun will be to see if some of those sketches make it to finishes. That wasn't part of the commitment, but you never know.
If you'd like to see my sketch for this piece, you can find it here. You'll also discover something that I changed my mind about.
For Illustration Friday, this Mr. Snowpeep may be a little bit high from his bottle of Champagne, but I think he's well grounded. He's not going anwywhere. Or, is he? Well, that could be a whole other story, couldn't it?


Anonymous said...

what a charming snowman - hope the alcohol doesn't make him too warm!

Marion Eldridge said...

Thank you, buddhafulkat! I love your name!

Mary Lou Rosato-Caine said...

This is quite fun! I like how you dressed him up and gave him a bit of the booze :) Happy New Year to you!

Marion Eldridge said...

Thank you so much, Mary Lou! I love what you said about a bit of the booze - made me laugh!