Well, she certainly is leaning forward. I also call this one, " Gone With The Wind." No, just kidding. I like the way this one looks with the type in place. Sorry, can't share that now. But, I can share the image. Part of an ongoing project.
As my Digital Baby Steps contribution for this one, I'll share a few keyboard commands that are my favorites. Believe me, I am still learning! So, these are Baby Steps for sure, but very useful.
Command S - Save
Command Z - Undo
Command Zero - Fit on screen
And, a new one that I just learned from Tracy Bishop:
Command - option Z - multiple undos by going through the history palette.
I just tried this one! Excellent! Thank you Tracy!
Be sure to check out Tracy's portfolio here. Awesome work!
I plan to share more favorite keyboard commands in future posts, as I learn them from friends, so stay tuned if you are learning, as I am!